
One of the challenges of being self-employed is that you have to do All The Tasks, including the tasks you don’t enjoy much and the ones you aren’t very good at. In addition to that, the less creative tasks (admin, accounting, stock control etc) seem to take a disproportionate amount of time, leaving less available ‘creative’ time. It’s merely an observation, not a complaint; I’m very happy with where I am, but also I’m often surprised by how little time or space there seems to be for my own work to grow and develop.

For me one of the tasks on the ‘meh’-list is self-promotion and marketing, so when someone is kind enough to do this for me, it really makes my day.

Jen has very thoughtfully taken the time to produce a really lovely response to my Intuitive Daily Stitching course here – a glowing review and some very lovely words. (Following the link may result in a pop-up asking if you want to subscribe to Substack – just click ‘no thanks’ and you should be able to see the post.)

If you haven’t already, you can sign up for the course on my Teachable site here.

And you can buy my hand-dyed threads here

fabrics and threads in the shop

It will probably be a while before I dye more fabric or threads, so what’s in the shop is currently all there is. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I may never be able to keep up with the demand for thread (it’s physically impossible for one person, I had mild repetitive strain injury from winding the last batch) so new thread will happen as and when I can fit it in.

For now, I need to set aside some time to read, gather some thoughts, and start some new work – more of which later.

new work brewing

Author: Karen

Textile and mixed media artist

8 thoughts on “Promotion”

  1. Hi, I’ve tried to order some of your hand dyed threads but for some reason had no luck. I will leave it a while and try again.

  2. I understand perfectly. When I lost my job, I started a business, but the client acquisition was my main problem, and I gave it up. At least I had no start up costs to recoup.
    I wish you well with your business. Over time you’ll find out the things that give you good returns against effort, while keeping in mind your personal enjoyment.

    1. Thank you. It’s hard work, and often terrifying, but I’m learning all the time. Having no start-up costs is a huge benefit for sure. I hope you’ve arrived at a place where you’re able to enjoy work in relative comfort and ease.

  3. what I recall from my working days as a librarian (which I honestly loved), was coming home drained, with no energy left to create … I would bring stitching to our annual beach vacation, waking before everyone else and stitching as the sun rose over the ocean … needless to say, my projects took years and years to complete

    so yes, I get it … both the love and the exhaustion of creative energy … I hope you find a way to block out a regular time and place to just be with cloth and stitch

  4. Goodness, yes, and once you add in any minor or not so minor familial crises, actually sitting stitching becomes something you have to claw everything else aside to do!
    Wishing you more success than I’m having at present!

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