Vertical learning curve

I feel as if I’ve climbed a mountain today. I’m making a start on this, my first online class for absolute beginners:

Online course for beginners

I’ve learned many things already, one of which is that I’m pretty rubbish at keeping my hands in the frame when taking a video of myself stitching.


But perseverance is a virtue, so I will keep at it. It will be ok in the end, whenever that turns out to be…

Benefits of hand embroidery

Author: Karen

Textile and mixed media artist

24 thoughts on “Vertical learning curve”

    1. I’ve made myself laugh many times today making so many mistakes with the video. I hope it will be all right in the end!

  1. When/where will the video class be available?
    I am looking forward to taking it. It is Jan 4th… and I am still getting the foundation ready to start daily stiches. Guess this year will be 4 days short LOL!

    1. Thanks Laura, it will be on Teachable when it’s ready – I’m hoping next week-ish, but a lot depends on how quickly I can learn how to do video-editing 🙂
      Your foundation will be ready when you are, no rush!

  2. Hi Karen, on day 4, I wasn’t sure I was feeling yesterday’s stitches, they didn’t flow, but actually loved the little panel once done. Thank you fir the inspiration.

    1. Thanks so much, Jacky. I have days like that too. Usually best just to keep going 🙂

  3. Karen- I’m very interested when you’re ready. As a rug hooker, I have expected perfection in my work. With my daily stitching, I’m learning to embrace the lopsided stitches. I can’t wait to learn more about this class.

  4. I had a good laugh as I considered the visual for a “vertical learning curve” … hope the ride on the downslope is breezy and fun-filled

    1. I promise you, it was every bit as hilarious and dramatic as you imagine it 😆 Video is quite a challenge for the terminally camera-shy! I’m getting used to it though and actually I’m enjoying the challenge

      1. I’ve been working on an online course myself, Karen, and the video part has been the most challenging for me too. It is so hard to keep your hands in frame! But, you’ll get there and it will be great!

        1. Ha, yes, exactly that – call it a wrap, pretty pleased with myself, then watch it back only to find that my hands are way out of the frame. And I can’t believe how often I say errr and ummm. Dear me! But yes, getting better all the time. Good luck to you too with yours – what are you doing?

  5. You have identified one of the big challenges I faced doing the “Slow TV Stitchery” videos during lockdown. I wasn’t teaching, so it wasn’t the hands that mattered, specifically, but I didn’t want a bit I wasn’t working on to be all that people could see.
    I’m presuming you have some sort of tripod system, but I did find that my system evolved somewhat, and took a bit of trial and error. Sending patience and good fortune your way!

    1. Take after take after take, and after all that (two days) I’ve discovered I’m doing the videos too big to be uploaded. Back to the drawing board tomorrow! At least I know now what I’ve been doing wrong. I’m using one of those hands-free-with-a-circular-light things, which is working quite well. I’m learning an awful lot 😆

      1. I’m using Thinkific for my classes and they recommend using Handshake to compress video files. I haven’t gotten it to work yet, but something like that might be helpful.

        1. Thanks very much, I think Teachable recommend that too – when I’ve redone all the videos (!) I’ll investigate. Today I wrote myself some scripts, so am feeling ready to start all over again on Monday 😆

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